财经热点 > Asp编程 > ASP模板类代码
浏览次数:【384】  发布日期:2009-8-13 12:09:22    文章分类:Asp编程   
专题:问题文章】 【
Class Template
    Private m_FileName, m_Root, m_Unknowns, m_LastError, m_HaltOnErr
    Private m_ValueList, m_BlockList
    Private m_RegExp   
    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        Set m_ValueList     = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Set m_BlockList     = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        set m_RegExp        = New RegExp
        m_RegExp.IgnoreCase = True
        m_RegExp.Global     = True
        m_FileName          = ""
        m_Root              = "."
        m_Unknowns          = "remove"
        m_LastError         = ""
        m_HaltOnErr         = true
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        Set m_RegExp       = Nothing
        Set m_BlockMatches = Nothing
        Set m_ValueMatches = nothing
    End Sub
    Public Property Get ClassName()
        ClassName = "Template"
    End Property
    Public Property Get Version()
        Version = "1.0"
    End Property
    Private Function LoadFile(ByVal chartype)
        Dim Filename, fso, hndFile
        Filename = m_Root
        If Right(Filename, 1)<>"/" And Right(Filename, 1)<>"\" Then Filename = Filename & "/"
        Filename = Server.MapPath(Filename & m_FileName)
        Set StreamObject = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
        StreamObject.Type = 1
        StreamObject.Mode = 3
        StreamObject.Position = 0
        StreamObject.LoadFromFile Filename
        StreamObject.Position = 0
        StreamObject.Type = 2
        StreamObject.CharSet = chartype
        LoadFile = StreamObject.readtext()
        If LoadFile = "" Then ShowError("0x11<br>Could Not Load The File " & m_FileName & "!")
    End Function
    Private Sub ShowError(ByVal msg)
        m_LastError = msg
        Response.Write "<span style=""font-size:12px;color:red"">Error ID : " & msg & "</span>"
        If m_HaltOnErr Then Response.End
    End Sub
    Public Sub set_root(ByVal Value)
        m_Root = Value
    End Sub
    Public Function get_root()
        get_root = m_Root
    End Function
    Public Property Let Root(ByVal Value)
    End Property
    Public Property Get Root()
        Root = m_Root
    End Property
    Public Sub set_file(ByVal handle,ByVal filename,ByVal chartype)
        m_FileName = filename
        m_BlockList.Add Handle, LoadFile(chartype)
    End Sub
    Public Function get_file()
        get_file = m_FileName
    End Function
    Public Sub set_unknowns(ByVal unknowns)
        m_Unknowns = unknowns
    End Sub
    Public Function get_unknowns()
        get_unknowns = m_Unknowns
    End Function
    Public Property Let Unknowns(ByVal unknown)
        m_Unknowns = unknown
    End Property
    Public Property Get Unknowns()
        Unknowns = m_Unknowns
    End Property
    Public Sub set_block(ByVal Parent, ByVal BlockTag, ByVal Name)
        Dim Matches
        m_RegExp.Pattern = "<!--\s+BEGIN " & BlockTag & "\s+-->([\s\S.]*)<!--\s+END " & BlockTag & "\s+-->"
        If Not m_BlockList.Exists(Parent) Then ShowError("0x12<br>Undefined Block Tag " & Parent & "!")
        set Matches = m_RegExp.Execute(m_BlockList.Item(Parent))
        For Each Match In Matches
            m_BlockList.Add BlockTag, Match.SubMatches(0)
            m_BlockList.Item(Parent) = Replace(m_BlockList.Item(Parent), Match.Value, "{" & Name & "}")
        set Matches = nothing
    End Sub
    Public Sub set_var(ByVal Name, ByVal Value, ByVal AppEnd)
        Dim Val
        If IsNull(Value) Then Val = "" Else Val = Value
        If m_ValueList.Exists(Name) Then
            If AppEnd Then m_ValueList.Item(Name) = m_ValueList.Item(Name) & Val _
            Else m_ValueList.Item(Name) = Val
            m_ValueList.Add Name, Value
        End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub unset_var(ByVal Name)
        If m_ValueList.Exists(Name) Then m_ValueList.Remove(Name)
    End Sub
    Private Function InstanceValue(ByVal BlockTag)
        Dim keys, i
        InstanceValue = m_BlockList.Item(BlockTag)
        keys = m_ValueList.Keys
        For i=0 To m_ValueList.Count-1
            InstanceValue = Replace(InstanceValue, "{" & keys(i) & "}", m_ValueList.Item(keys(i)))
    End Function
    Public Sub parse(ByVal Name, ByVal BlockTag, ByVal AppEnd)
        If Not m_BlockList.Exists(BlockTag) Then ShowError("0x12<br>Undefined Block Tag " & Parent & "!")
        If m_ValueList.Exists(Name) Then
            If AppEnd Then m_ValueList.Item(Name) = m_ValueList.Item(Name) & InstanceValue(BlockTag) _
            Else m_ValueList.Item(Name) = InstanceValue(BlockTag)
            m_ValueList.Add Name, InstanceValue(BlockTag)
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Function finish(ByVal content)
        Select Case m_Unknowns
            Case "keep" finish = content
            Case "remove"
                m_RegExp.Pattern = "\{[^ \t\r\n}]+\}"
                finish = m_RegExp.Replace(content, "")
            Case "comment"
                m_RegExp.Pattern = "\{([^ \t\r\n}]+)\}"
                finish = m_RegExp.Replace(content, "<!-- Template Variable $1 Undefined -->")
            Case Else finish = content
        End Select
    End Function
    Public Sub output(ByVal Name)
        If Not m_ValueList.Exists(Name) Then ShowError("0x13<br>Could Not Find Tag " & Name & "!")
    End Sub
End Class
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